You just have to love this blog when it comes to beauty and fashion, remember how you appear determine how people see you you. So lets look at more beautiful braids below....
I so love this segment where you have to see kids in their lovely state, Imagine walking pass with your kids and people stop to stare and be like wow!. Make them worth the stare. check out more lovely styles below....
Keri Hilson is a beauty, a diva to the call and her hair style crowns it up, today we will take a look at her hair styles closely and all you need is a good hair stylist. Enjoy the view below...
Coconut milk is the answer of every hair problem you are facing. It contains vitamin E
and fats which are very beneficial for hair and also promote hair
growth. Coconut milk has been known to
particularly help people who are facing hair problems.
Take fresh coconut and grate it with grater.
Take a cheese cloth or muslin and put some grated coconut on it and squeeze out the milk in a bowl.
After squeezing all the milk, filter the milk to avoid the grated particles of the coconut.
Then preheat a pan, and pour the milk into the pan and cook it for
3-5 minutes. After this, allow the milk to cool down and then freeze it
for a night.
First comb your hair properly.
Then take a cotton ball and dip it into the milk. Cotton is going to ease up the whole application
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Yeeeaah! Blessing won the contest based on the number of votes she got, and she is crowned Mack Beauty of the week. Peters Blessing is an Anambra State born & an undergraduate student of Microbioogy University of Benin,Benin City. Very fashionable,friendly but very focused. A born Philanthropist, Loves reading interesting& educative books nd blogs nd taking up challenges.
So here we are, it was meant to be four pretty ladies but we do not want to cause traffic gam and comotion lol... so we decided it should be three.. beautiful ladies we have here. who will wear the crown? it's up to you. Check them out below....